Welcome to Dicey!!! This is a 1v1 dice game, where the two players battle their lucks out to victory!!!
🎲 ROLL DICE -> A random dice roll that gives any number between 1 and 6 (both inclusive).
📥 HOLD -> Hold the current score and end your turn.
🔄 NEW GAME -> Reset the scores and start a new game.
1. Every 'ROLL' increases your 'CURRENT SCORE' by the amount you have rolled. 2. You can keep `ROLL`ing till you either `HOLD` your score or `ROLL` a `1`. 3. For ease of keeping track of turns, the current active player will have a more opaque screen and bolder fonts. 4. Note, that your current score does not add to your actual / global score unless you `HOLD`. 5. Your `CURRENT` score will go to zero once you `ROLL` a `1`, so you better `HOLD` at the right time. 6. The first player to reach a score of 100, wins the game.